May 20, 2013

Time Flies...

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I know we've been a bit quiet the last few weeks and I'll try and bring everything up to date over the next couple of days.  In the mean time, here are some quick stats about the trip so far, for the numbers fans:

  • Miles travelled:  2700
  • Max MPG: 14.2!
  • Average MPG: 8!!
  • Tyre replacements: 2
  • Minor repairs to the RV: 10-15
  • Major repairs: 1
  • Number of people who think we're Australian: 3
  • Guns fired: 0 (so far)
  • Bears sighted: 0 (unfortunately)
  • Hours wasted on the phone trying to persuade our thieving UK banks to let us access our own money from abroad: 5 
  • Parasites removed from our bodies: 2
  • Burgers consumed: Unmeasurable on any man-made scale

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